In the fast-evolving world of industrial automation, managing intricate projects with multiple stakeholders and shifting requirements is a common challenge. AWC, a US distributor and provider of programmable logic controllers (PLCs) and other automation solutions, has consistently navigated this complex landscape to meet the needs of its customers. By integrating Copia Automation’s revolutionary version control software, AWC has further enhanced its project development and collaboration processes. This integration has streamlined operations, bringing the efficiency of Industrial DevOps to AWC while reducing errors, minimizing the need for code revisions, and reducing administrative time spent on clarifying project details through emails and other communications.
What you'll learn:
- How AWC built a clear history of project versions using Copia Automation
- How AWC mitgated errors, rework, and project delays with Copia's Industrial DevOps platform
- How AWC utilized Copia as a differentiator to attract top talent